Cracked Tooth Syndrome
Cracked Tooth Syndrome, also known as CTS is where there a minute cracks in the tooth that are often under the gum or are undetected by X-rays. These cracks can occur from excessive gnawing or grinding of the teeth and often affect the back molars as they often take on most of the workload. Teeth with fillings or teeth that have had root canal treatment are more likely to be weaker in structural integrity,so are more like to crack. It’s common for people who have received these treatments to develop CTS later on in their life and it’s advisable to get consult your dentist if you feel you have any of the following symptoms.
Symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome can be subtle or quite noticeable depending on the severity. If you experience sensitivity or mild pain when you bite or chew you may very well have CTS. Also, sensitivity to cold temperatures may be an indication that you have CTS and you should not hesitate to book into your dentist for a thorough check-up. Certain foods may also trigger pain or if you bite into something a specific and agitate the tooth. CTS is very hard to diagnose and often many people suffer symptoms for months before being correctly diagnosed.
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The obvious person to diagnose your cracked tooth and determine whether you have Cracked Tooth Syndrome is your dentist. Consult with your dentist and clearly communicate your symptoms and concerns. There are series of tests that your dentist will take to determine whether you have CTS or require more dental work to remedy your dental problems. Usually, an X-Ray will be used to check your teeth for cracks, although due to the tiny size of these cracks, its sometimes not visible on X rays and further investigation will be necessary.
Optimal dental hygiene is paramount in preventing Cracked Tooth Syndrome. Always make sure to brush twice a day and floss. This help prevents your teeth from becoming weak and prone to CTS. Grinding or clenching your jaw is a catalyst for CTS and this often done in your sleep. There are a number of mouthguards on the market that will take the stress from your teeth and will prevent cracking. They are relatively cost effective and you can get one fitted at your dentist.
Treatment of Cracked Tooth Syndrome varies from case to case. Consult your dentist and discuss the best options for repairing your cracked tooth. A majority of Cracked Tooth Syndrome cases require root canals. Also, it not uncommon for a tooth to be completely removed when treating CTS. If you’re worried about the cosmetic effect on your mouth, an implant or a bridge can have used to replace the missing tooth.
Cracked Tooth Syndrome is a common dental ailment and is often hard to diagnose. If you feel pain in your pearly whites, don’t hesitate to consult your local dental practitioner at Dental Avenue as soon as possible to prevent further damage. This will be sure to save you money in the long run and keep you smiling for many years to come.